Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A new day...

Well I have not blogged in almost a week but it is amazing how quickly things can change!! The Lord has been drawing my heart into a deeper relationship with Him and this has prompted me to look really hard at my daily schedules and the things I do, think, and say. Immediately I knew I needed to start filtering the media that comes into my home. My children have already been exposed to too much violence and sex on television, games and the computer but I could not continue to allow things to stay the same just because that is what we have always done. The boys had a really hard time understanding why they had to give up some of their games and movies but I knew the decision was right for our family so I am sticking with it. After a week of shouting matches, long talks and prayers we are settling into the new way of life.

Removing the offensive media was not the only thing that changed, I also decided to make a real effort to cook more often and sit together at the table. This has been wonderful and I am finding out alot more about what is going on in the boys lives at school and with their friends. Dinner together is one of those things that I always knew was important but I allowed slide because we were all so busy and so tired and any other excuse. I now know that I cannot afford not to take this time with my kids, they need it and they enjoy it. Sitting at the table together naturally opened the door for us to start playing cards together and turning off the tv and turning on some music.

God is so good, by allowing Him to change one small aspect of my home and taking that step, He has transformed my little family into a happier unit who is becoming more in tune with eachother every day.